Jan. 14th. 2014 meeting

January 14th Annual meeting, election of officers.
We are in need of filling the soon to be vacant positions of Treasurer, Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Show Chairperson. Your help is needed now!
Many good things will take place in 2014
January 14th General meeting, topics open for discussion.Membership input will be necessary to ensure success.

1) Wish List for field trips
If you are interested in club field trips your input is necessary.
Please bring to the Jan. meeting a list of your top 10 field trip in Ontario (past or present), this may help to plan club trips that are of interest.
Also is there interest in trips longer than one day, or into south western Quebec.
In earlier times club members other than our field trip leader, would lead or organize trips, especially if they had a connection to a location, this may be a good way to revitalize these outings.

2) Prospecting Field Trips
Michael Brainbridge supplied a list of potential mineral collecting sites to all clubs in the CCFMS in the hopes that we can assist in identify those which might actually be worth visiting, promoting, and possibly even protecting as field-trip destinations.
Here starts the fun; location, accessibility and land status is some of the work yet to be done.
Then we have to explore ( hopefully find stuff ) and share the Info with OHTO (through Michael), and other CCFMS member clubs in the hopes that we can avoid duplication, and expedite the process of identifying new and rewarding destinations for all of our interests.
Members are encouraged to email your field trip leader to show your interest in joining in on these 2014 field trips and the planning that is involved with it.

2) Micheal Bainbridge has requested the assistance of members of all clubs in the area for help in fulfilling the obligations under the mining act, as it relates to the Stickler Mine Claim. This would involve leisurely walks through the bush, mapping mineral occurrences, outcrops and general terrain. If you don’t have a GPS you can be paired with someone who does.
The hours spent doing this would be logged as work preformed on the claim.
Email your field trip leader with your input and/or volunteer.

3) Prospecting advertising
This could be an opportunity to attract new members to our membership.
A banner at our March Show might be useful to attract interest.
With your help, a budget could be set to accomplish this or you might suggest other ways to promote this.

4) Mineral and Fossil Trimming Party
We all have specimens needing some work.
With the help of member with the necessary equipment this could make for an interesting and useful event.
Your input on planning this event will be appreciated.

5) Swap & Talk
Our first annual event was a great success and can continue to get even better with your input and help, join in on the discussion on how we can improve this event.

6) Membership Drive
Would you be willing to volunteer a couple of hours one weekend to promote the club.
There are lots of different venues, I’m sure you could add to the list to consider one or two. Your input will be needed on this very important matter.
Peterborough Home and Outdoor Show, March 14-16th, attracting over 8,500 visitors.
The Kawartha Home, Cottage & Country show, April 4-6th.
Peterborough Garden Show, April 11-13th, nearly 8000 visitors.
Spring Craft Show Buckhorn, May 17th.
Lakefield Jazz, Art & Craft Festival, July 5th.

7) 2014 Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show
A review of the various jobs necessary to make this show a success will take place. Most positions will likely be confirmed before the meeting, your input and help on this show will be welcome.

8) Bring your own ideas on how you want your club to proceed in 2014 or email your ideas to one of your exec’s to be added to the list.

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